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September, 2000
Harvey selected for MERLOT
ULM history professor Gordon E. Harvey has been selected by the Louisiana Board of Regents as one of 8 professors statewide to represent the Board as a faculty representative to the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT). MERLOT is an online consortium of scholars and teachers who develop and critique online learning materials and lessons for a variety of disciplines including Biology, Math, Chemistry, Teacher Education, Foreign Languages, Physics, and History. The Louisiana Board of Regents selected one professor from each discipline (2 from Chemistry) to represent the state. Dr. Harvey will the Board of Regents' History representative to the national MERLOT organization.
Started in 1997, MERLOT provides high quality digital learning materials to professors who are using the world wide web for both traditional and distance learning courses. Learning materials posted in MERLOT are primarily interactive simulations, animations, and tutorials that will be peer-reviewed and tested in college classrooms. MERLOT's mission is to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning by expanding the quantity and quality of peer-reviewed online learning materials that can be easily incorporated into college courses.
Dr. Harvey will be responsible for submitting and critiquing materials posted on the MERLOT resources pages. He will also participate in and present at national and sate conferences highlighting his activity with MERLOT and his use of such materials in his own classes at ULM.
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