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ULM hosts District I junior high honor band clinic and performance

Published January 30, 2017

MONROE, La. — The ULM School of Visual and Performing Arts hosted the District I Junior High Honor Band clinic and performance that took place on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 20 and 21 in Brown Auditorium.

The performance consisted of two bands, the concert and symphonic band. The concert band included 80 seventh graders and the symphonic band included 81 eighth graders from the District I area.

The concert band was led by clinician Daphne Richardson from DeRidder High School and the symphonic band was led by clinician Chris Brown from Kimbrough Middle School. Students auditioned for a spot in the honor band, and if they made it, they rehearsed for two days prior to their performance.

ULM VAPA hosts this performance in hopes to encourage student participation in music. Events like these aid young musicians in continuing their music career throughout middle school, high school, and hopefully in college. ULM VAPA promotes the success of these young musicians and is proud to host the District I Honor Band concert every other year.

The young students get a chance to utilize ULM’s facilities, while ULM Music Education students have an opportunity to teach and recruit.

“I have only positive thoughts about ULM hosting the Junior High Honor Bands. It gives these kids an early and positive experience. It provides an opportunity to portray the best ULM has to offer to these kids at such an early age,” said Matt Anderson, ULM music education student.
