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Arts, Education, & Sciences

Information for Faculty

Please Note: this information and related forms is in the process of being updated for Summer/Fall 2013. The links and forms are currently available for your convenience.


Click here to download the absence report form.  Once filled out and signed, send a copy to the student's academic dean.


Click here for College advising resources and forms.  Additional questions can be directed to the College Advisor by clicking here.


Click here for the College Curriculum Committee information.  Click here for the University Curriculum Committee.  Submission procedures and forms are found on either site.


Fill out the application (click here).  Submit the form to the Dean's office.  As resources become available, the applications will be considered for funding.


For University Purchasing Policies and Procedures, click here.

Petty Cash--[$50 Limit]

  • Contact the College's Business Manager (x-1750 or email) before making the purchase.  This is done primarily to determine if the requested is already in the College store and to get a copy of the tax-exemption form.
  • Purchase the item, notifying the vendor of the tax-exempt status.
  • Bring the receipt to the Business Manager after signing it for reimbursement.

Purchase Requisition

  • Fill out a purchase requisition.  The form can be obtained from the departmental office.
  • Obtain the Department Head's signature and bring the purchase requisition to the College's Business Manager.
  • The Business Manager will verify the funds and send the requisition to Purchasing.
  • If bids are required, you may be contact to review of them before the purchase is made.
  • The original purchase order should reside with the Business Manager although you should retain a copy.


  • Fill out the request.  The form can be obtained from the departmental office.
  • Obtain the Department Head's signature and bring the purchase requisition to the College's Business Manager.
  • The Business Manager will verify the funds and send the requisition to the appropriate place.

On-line purchases

  • Notify College's Business Manager (x-1750 or email) before making the purchase.  The Manager will inform you of spending limits.
  • Once the purchase is made, print out the receipt and attach it to an Accounts Payable Voucher available here under Payroll/Controller's Office.
  • Obtain the Department Head's signature and bring the receipt and voucher to the College's Business Manager.

Notify the Business Manager (x-1750 or email) when an item has arrived from a purchase order.  If an item is over $1000, please contact Property Control (x-5170) to get it tagged as state property as soon as possible.


Safety information can be found here. To report a safety problem or if a question has not been answered, call x-5177 for the Office of Environmental Health & Safety.


All facilities (building, furniture, etc.) repair or improvement requests should be directed to the Physical Plant (phone:  x-5170 or the FIXX line linked here.)  If you wish to call in an emergency, the phone number is x-3499.  After hours, call University Police at x-5350.  Click here for the home page of the Physical Plant for more information and forms.


For assistance with computer, network, software, Internet, and smart classroom equipment problems, call x-3333.  Policies, procedures, and download information are listed here on Information Technology's home page.


Contact the Dean's office (x-1750 or email) to request keys to smart classrooms.


Procedures-Click here.   For international travel, click here.  All associated forms are found here under Payroll/Controller's Office-Travel Specific.  Any additional questions can be directed here.


ULM Bookstore Textbook Online Requisition


To request items, click here.

